The economies of the world are changing into knowledge based economies in recent years. This requires advances in science and technology which together with appropriate governmental and commercial policies are both needed to deal with the challenges of global climate change, increased energy costs, the threats of energy supply disruptions and increasing difficulty in replacing energy in certain locations. This changing face of technology in the world however, requires individual to be specialized in a particular field. It is in this direction that the Koforidua Polytechnic has oriented itself to serve the purpose of not only researching into technology development and energy utilization but also seeing to the training of energy personnel through the establishment of an Energy Systems Engineering Department at the School of Engineering. The department, among other objectives seeks to be recognized nationally and internationally for the quality of its training and research activities (both technically and non-technical aspect of energy) for the contributions to the polytechnic and public education and debate on energy matters. This paper also seeks to address the need for collaboration and future prospects of the department as well as the challenges it is facing.
The effort being made by Koforidua Polytechnic in building human capital to ensure that technical personnel capable of handling industrial equipment and having the ability to solve possible operational problems is available to support the development of the vibrant and growing energy sector of the economy is highly commended. The Government of Ghana, through its Ministry of Energy, and other corporate organizations are called upon to support the institution to successfully run the programme.